Hi muffinheads! How are you guys? Today we are here again to talk about your security breachs and how to fix it or prevent them. As always, I always recommend that you take this post as warnings or advice to have a safe and optimal virtual life.With nothing more to say let's get started!

In this post we are going to discuss a fairly common problem. Let's read the problem.

I always use the same password for all my accounts and applications. I do not like to use complicated passwords because it is difficult to remember and too long. What do you think?.... 

Ok, this is one of the most common and risky problems, but you always have to see the positive side of things, right? Well, in this problem, my favorite part is creativity since you can let your imagination fly to create a unique password for yourself, yes, I know it may sound or seem a little boring but well, that's my way of thinking.

Ok let's continue with the problem. In my opinion it is very unsafe to use the same passwords on all pages, applications... Although creating secure passwords is very difficult because you have to make them very complicated, it is better to have secure and complicated passwords than easy and not secure ones and be at the mercy from any technological attack.

Now let's go with the tips to create a secure password that is more or less easy to remember.

  • First of all we can use a phrase or the name of a singer or the name of a song etcetcetc...Come on let's use the name of one of my favorite games for example hmmm Five Night's At Freddy's.
  • Later we are going to replace some letters or words with numbers: 5 Night'5 4t Fr3ddy's
  • Now we are going to change some letters to uppercase or lowercase. 5 nIgHT's 4t Fr3dDy5
  • And now we are going to add 1 or 2 symbols. 5 nIgHT's 4t Fr3dDy*5
  • An important tip in my opinion is that you always have to exceed the letter limit a little, for example if the letter limit is 6 we can expand it a little to 9 more or less.
  • (+) If you want to avoid the problem of remember long passwords you can also try to make Google remember that password or write it down somewhere safe.
A random fact that I leave you about passwords is that there is a quite entertaining game that is about them. Here I leave you the link and a video about it.

and plus i leave a post that help me to write this post. thanks for reading!


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